5 Luxury Hotels Haunted in Indonesia

Are You Brave to Stay in There?

Famous haunted places with spirits is not only synonymous with ancient buildings, old unused alias abandoned. However, there are some places that are still in use, luxury hotel, for example. A few luxury hotels are still operating in Indonesia famous haunted for many stories mysticism perceived by visitors to the hotel employees.

1. Niagara Hotel, Malang

Known as the most haunted hotels in the country that first is the Niagara Hotel, Malang. This hotel supposedly inhabited by a number of supernatural beings who often manifest form. In fact, it is said by the recognition of the local community, the ghosts who inhabit the hotel that stood since 1918 have always been terrorizing visitors. Already a lot of people who recognize the awesomeness of this hotel, in fact, according to one of the residents was once a man who was terrorized by the ghost of a woman tangible
Noni Belanda until he fell sick a few weeks.

2. Inna Garuda Hotel, Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is known as a city that has a very strong cultural charm, even the city of Yogyakarta also known as a center of education in Indonesia. But, behind both of these, Yogyakarta also has several buildings, known as the ghost phenomenon that was terrible, one of which is a luxury hotel of Inna Garuda.
The hotel has been established since the Dutch colonial era. The hotel is said to have one of the most haunted rooms, ie rooms 911 and 912. According to some of those visitors as well as hotel workers, at night the room door is often opened by itself.
One visitor who claimed to have stayed in the room said that he had heard strange sounds very scary, even he is also looking at a chair rocking by itself. Rooms 911 and 912 were once often a special room for Sudirman, the room has now become a favorite room for the lovers of the unseen world.

3. Indonesia Hotel, Jakarta

Capital city of Jakarta were not spared from the phenomenon of the unseen world, as we know there are some areas believed to be a gathering place for ghosts. One of them is the Hotel Indonesia. The first five stars hotel in Indonesia is also has a handful of creepy story. Stories about ghosts flawless woman wearing a white dress is the most famous horror story at this hotel. There are many witnesses who claimed to have met directly with this ghost, supposedly magical beings that often manifest themselves in the hallways and elevators.

4. Grand Aquila Hotel, Bandung

Hotel Gran Aquila is one of the grandest and most luxurious hotels in Bandung. The hotel is very popular with the facilities and services were very indulgent visitors. But, underneath it all, the hotel is also known by the strange events experienced by some visitors, ranging from door knocking sound, strange noises from the window to open the tap water when no one person.

5. Tugu Hotel, Malang

The hotel is known to be very spooky, one reason because where a painting of a woman who is very old. The woman in the painting is Oei Hui Lan, the daughter of the richest man in Southeast Asia in the 19
th century, Oei Tiong Ham. Oei Hui Lan always accompanied his father to trade in various countries of the world, until finally married to Wellington Koo, one of the Chinese ambassador.
Oei Hui Lan had told his life story in a book titled of No Last Forever Feast before she died in 1992 at the age of 93 years. Painting at Tugu Hotel is one of the relics Oei Hui Lan, but it is not known who painted it. Well, that makes Tugu Hotel creepy is the painting of a woman in the painting was like staring at you constantly.
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