5 Awesome Luxury Resorts in Lembongan

Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan are not only in the province of Bali, but these 2 small islands also have a beauty like Bali. The beaches, the clean sea, the exotic coral stones, are truly a new paradise that must be explored! About accommodation, Boboers doesn't need to worry. Because in Nusa Lembongan & Ceningan there are also already many beautiful hotels for beautiful bobo places: p. But, due to limited clean water there, all hotels on this island only provide saltwater as a means of bathing (washing, washing, toilet). Lembongan and Ceningan are including small islands, from one end of the island to the other end, they don't reach 1 hour, maybe because of the limited land divided by many hotels, restaurants, and houses, so there are no big hotels like Bali, 1 hotel only has how many rooms so who can he get his room quickly? Tips, wherever Boboers wants to stay while in Lembongan, make sure to book a hotel from far in advance.

And here are some of the most beautiful hotel recommendations in Nusa Lembongan & Ceningan.

1. The Tamarind Resort

The Tamarind Resort is a scenic Nusa Lembongan hotel perched on the heights of this secluded island, with a majestic view of Mount Agung. Set on the southeast coast of Bali, this beautiful island provides a peaceful escape from the rush of the modern busy world. Guests to Tamarind Resort can go diving, snorkelling, surfing, or just simply enjoy up the sun with spectacular views of Jungut Batu Beach.

2. Dream Beach Hut

The first hotel recommendation for a stay is Dream Beach Hut, this hotel has the best infinity pool in Lembongan And, there is a cute beach right in front of the hotel, another bonus, Dream Beach Hut is located right next to Devil Tears. Unfortunately, Bocan doesn't get a room here, because the booking time is already tight so it's all booked full.

3. Sadek Lembongan

Sadeg Lembongan, one of the beachside hotels in Nusa Lembongan. What will make you fall in love with this hotel is a pool that has no limits and is also cute. if you want to stay overnight you can from Dream Beach Hut to book a booking from before heading to Nusa Lembongan because the resort is always full of visitors who enjoy its natural beauty.

4. Poh Manis Lembongan

Poh Manis is located on a hill and far from the beach, but the view of the sunrise makes you lulled. Its location in Ancak Village, quite close to the Yellow Bridge connecting bridge for those of you who want to go to Nusa Ceningan. Although the road to the location is quite uphill and far it's comparable to the scenery

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